Emoto-rice, blessed be the food!
By Matthieu on Thursday, December 17 2015, 05:55 - Permalink
What if our emotions had influence on water? This apparently obscure idea has been held by the controversial Japanese writer Masaru Emoto, who drew relationships between ice crystal shapes and emotions which were focused on water before freezing.
I've gained interest in this claim after the release of prof. Montagner's proof about the so-called "memory of water", which shows that water emits electro-magnetic (EM) waves based on the chemical it contained after high dilution, but water can also memorize EM waves emitted into it, and behave as if a new chemical substance is present. Since I believe our emotions primarily rely on brain and organs' neural activity, which in turn consists of electric signals that also generate small local EM waves, it leaves a tiny chance for both theories to rationally connect!
The experiment which i've done is another Do-It-Yourself test proposed by Emoto: influence the decay of rice by focusing emotions on it.
Here is my result after 112 days:
Maybe the religious tradition of blessing food before eating once simply used to be a rational sanitary measure!
I'm giving more information and pictures here below:
Here is a video presenting Emoto's version.
I was skeptical at first, and tried to make the test with as little room as possible for random bias.
On March 14th 2015, I've cooked ordinary Vietnamese rice, and sterilized 3 identical air tight pots. After homogenizing the rice, i've placed equal amounts in each pot and closed them firmly.
The 3 pots have been stored side by side, in a bright area away from direct sunshine, thus sharing the same environment, especially temperature and lighting. Labels with French words were put on the "cursed" pot (crève, inutile, haine, pourri) and "blessed" pot (courage, amour, merci, joie). Nearly everyday I've been "focusing emotions" on them for few seconds. That simply consisted in holding the pot in front of my face, focus my attention on it, and then sincerely feeling emotions without talking.
After a month, April 17th 2015, the evolution is already visible for the cursed rice:
After 112 days, July 5th 2015, the contrast is clear for all 3: brown liquid for the "cursed", semi-liquid for the neutral reference, dry for the "blessed":
I note however that the neutral rice is whiter than the blessed one, although much wetter.
Without talking about good or bad state of rice, I can conclude an interesting correlation between hateful feelings and accelerated decay. Considering that visual observation can compare the cursed and blessed rice to the reference rice as "more/as/less" decayed, that gives 3x3 possible results. Hence the odds of happening for the current result are 1/9 = 11%.
The next step is to repeat this experiment with more samples (e.g. 3 of each) to check if the correlation is still visible.