After quite some time thinking about RDF and semi-structured data, as well as making endless lists of Chinese words and characters, i've come to wish (and vainly looked for it) that some gizmo-App would enable the following:

  • Put items on an empty screen surface, in the form of label or boxes (contacts name, Chinese character, words, etc.)
  • Draw links between them (affinity, kinship, phonetics, meaning, shape, etc.)
  • Let the graph converge and structure itself according to the links

To go further:

  • Various types of links could be defined
  • Different link attractions could be defined, to give different results depending on priority (e.g. get a graph showing rather friendship than kinship, or rather meaning than phonetics)

Anyone here with the skill, time, and/or passion for this ? Thanks !

Here is what a FOAF graph can look like: